Cross Roads

He was there, at the cross roads, yet again, this time more unsure of what to do. He stands still and thinks, about moral obligations to keep people happy, personal happiness, proving one's point, winning an argument. Very indecisive, he is 'still' and thinking......and I AM WAITING ON THE OTHER END!

Ps :You its for u ..i f u ever read this :) 


So how you understand the word fall. You fall down and break a leg? you fall in love or you fall out of good will of others? or as market fall(s) water falls a fruit fall or simply a free fall. Word fall has lot of metaphoric connotations suggesting primarily 'gravitational activity' and can be interpreted in multiple ways. 

N gal you fall for a guy ! 
Thought of the day :I am 25 yrs old !! Haven't done anything great in life.

PS. Of course definition of "GREAT" differsssssssssss person to person !