Situation: Sitting and eating lunch may be for the last or second last time with friends.
Current emotion: I feel some thing...a peace, a restlessness..Or a cocktail of both!
Current song on head : "tanha dil..tanha safar by shaan"
what i felt.....
There are only few days left for my college life to get over and I will be free from this bloodsucking dungeon!!
when I look back and see the black and white or sepia version of the video of the time spend , I really don’t know ..What have i contributed to this friendship!
I see myself laughing out loud with friends, I see myself patting their back for their good work , I see myself advising and giving gyaan at their bad. I see myself coming down in the priority list of good friends too
.yes! Those people whom I always kept on top in my priority list....but thatz just a part of the game.So am really okey with that,
I’m happy that, I will never see some of the faces and it gives me peace
(you know who:P) and am sad I will never see some the faces, never would be able to feel the warmth of their friendship.
It’s a different feeling altogether. I know I will never see some of the faces again. Never in my Life!!I know I will never hear their voices anymore until I want to, but wanting to talk and willing to talk should not be confused.
I don’t even know whether I have been at least a friend or not. Forget about being a best friend or even a good friend. I say that because no one ever referred me as his/her best friend. Yes! Never! No one!
I see so many people change; people who come so close that u tend to lose focus .
The point i wanna make is ..
We make so many friends, some became dearest, some became special, v fell in love with some, some went abroad, some changed their city, some left us, we left some, some got new friends ,some fell in love and changed priority ,we wanted to bcom friend with few,but they never cared, some wanted to bcom our friend , but we never cared.Some r in contact, some are not in contact bcoz of their ego,we don’t contact some because of our ego, Whatever they were, where ever they are.we still remember them, love them, miss them ,care for them coz of the part they played in our life.
And I don’t know, how you guys are gonna be in future.
So friends! I just want to say ..i love you! you made my two years.!
and i wanna take out this time to say sorry for my sure i would have bothered lot many of you.
Have a good life ahead.cheers to our 2 years of life in hell.( literally)
I wud rather just pat myself n say “it’s okay keep walking”
(yrs jo,,jo2, jo2 bhayankar, mutkus,chipmunk, sikhni,bawal, JPN, jodeeee,moti, devil,jyoti aunty, jo baby, pajji mei,hey yo jo, dusto mei,,jyoti madam,, jyoti ji and blah blah..)
PS:This post goes out mainly for suru,tweety,machis,justy,scientist ,rocket, ringun,surabhi ,viral, kevin , murli, appu , anil (K)meena