Happy New Year 2014

I hope we have the happiest year! I hope we're in great health, physically and mentally. I hope we smile absolutely genuine smiles really often, and live in the moment, and laugh till our tummies ache. I hope we discover some great films, books and music. I hope we learn a lot. I hope we find time to try our hand at some of all the things we've wanted to give a shot at. I hope good luck shows up frequently. I hope we find joy and contentment in our work but remain dissatisfied enough to keep us going for more, for better, for the best we can do. I hope we get a lot closer to the best we can be. I hope we feel a little more understood, a little more important, and a lot more loved. I hope we're kind, I hope we give generously, I hope we're sincere, and I hope we find the peace of mind that comes only from having a clear conscience. I hope we're safe from all that might cause harm or hurt. I hope life doesn't get too tough on us, but if it must, I hope we find all the support and courage we need to keep going. I hope we realize and consistently remember what we're worth, because we're worth so, so much.

Have a great year! Lots of love. 

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